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번호 제목 작성일 조회
21 RSUPPORT Maintenance notice on 20th SEP, 2009 2009-09-18 5
20 RSUPPORT RemoteCall 4.0 update on 9th JUN 2009-06-04 4
19 Announcement of RemoteCall module update 2008-11-27 9
18 [update] 09/19/2006 RemoteCall 4.0 2006-09-20 96
17 [Update] 2006 May 22 RemoteCall 4.0 2006-05-29 69
16 Automatic window scroll function is added. There are two kinds of auto scroll. 2006-03-16 88
15 'Remote PC voice listening' is possible. Samsung Electronic, Japan Toshiba, Sony, NEC requested this function. It has some characteristics. 2006-03-16 85
14 Direct use on the web without Rcall Viewer 2006-03-16 49
13 Window record function has been developed. 2006-03-16 95
12 You can know the information of the intermediation center page at the same time with login. 2006-03-16 98
1 [2] [3]
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